Sabtu, 22 Juni 2002

How to make Cuka Pempek

Cuka Pempek sauce to pempek food is typical Indonesia.

Gravy or sauce is a blend of liquid while eating vinegar or cuka pempek called. Actually, the key lies in the pleasures of eating pempek cukanya. Good vinegar will determine whether or not pempek good. So do not expect it will taste good pempek if cukanya not bad, although the dough is just right pempek and tasty. Here is a recipe and tips to make a delicious sauce of vinegar.

Boil water with brown sugar, tamarind, and vinegar over low heat. Once the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat and strain

Add the garlic, cayenne pepper, dried shrimp, salt, and tongcai

Enter the chili pepper and salt as he tasted, adjusted to taste

Bring to a boil again and then lift

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